
It is important to know the legislation and regulations that apply in our territory because there are a number of rules that should be taken into account.

On the website of the Government of Aragon you will find a brochure called “Generalities of Fishing in Aragón”, in which everything related to licences, fishing gear and means, bait, fishing periods and days, and information about the reserves are clearly and concisely explained.
You can download this brochure at the following link.

However, this regulation can change every year.

This document is merely informative. For legal purposes be the provisions of the General Fishing Plan of Aragon for the current year shall be applicable.

In the BOA (Official Gazette of Aragon) you will find updated information as it is published regularly.


In order to fish in continental waters in the Aragonese territory, it is essential to have a fishing permit issued by the Instituto Aragonés de Gestión Ambiental (INAGA) or an inter-autonomous licence from another Spanish community that is valid in Aragon. This is a personal, non-transferable and compulsory document that certifies the holder’s authorization to practice fishing in the Community of Aragon. It is annual or five-yearly, and is free for retired persons and children under 14 years of age.

Online fishing permits sales service of the Government of Aragon

If you want to fish in Social Preserves you also need an Administrative Permit which is obtained in person at the Government of Aragon, at the Provincial Services of Rural Development and Sustainability and also at the Regional Agro-environmental Offices (OCAs).

Fishing permits for social reserves

To fish in Sport Preserves the permits are issued by the Aragonese Fishing and Casting Federation (FAPYC) and can be purchased online on its website.

Online fishing permits for Sport Preserves sales service FAPyC